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How to Move Assets to a Different Location
How to Move Assets to a Different Location

How to Move Your Assets Between Locations

Updated over 11 months ago


You may need to move your assets to another location in Limble. With the click of a few buttons, an asset can be quickly moved from one location to another in your account.

Moving an asset to another location also moves a lot of other data, so we recommend reading this article to understand the impact on your assets, parts, and tasks when moving an asset to a new location.

Table of Contents

How to Move an Asset to Another Location

Go to the Manage Assets page. Click on your desired asset to enter the asset card.

Within the asset card, navigate to the asset settings by clicking the gear icon.

In the settings window, click “Move.” From the dropdown, choose your new desired location for the asset.

You’ll be taken to a new window to confirm your choice and choose your preference for parts.

A lot of data will move along with your asset to the new location. The top section explains which data will transfer over.

You will have the option to create copies of associated parts at the new location’s part inventory.

By selecting “Yes,” any automatically associated parts will be created at the new location. Automatically associated parts are parts that have been used on a task for this asset.

This does not include:

  • Manually associated parts that have not been used on a task for this asset. Manually associated parts from the old location will show in the asset card, but only as a record.

  • Parts with the same part name and part number that already exist at the new location

By selecting “No,” no copies of associated parts will be created at the new location. Parts associated with this asset’s templated tasks will continue to be pulled from the old location.

Templated tasks include:

  • PM templates

  • WO templates

  • Work Request templates

(Note: you cannot select specific parts to copy at the new location. You are only able to choose all or none.)

Once you have selected your desired option for associated parts, you will be asked to confirm that you understand these actions cannot be undone. Since significant asset data will be impacted, moving assets should be done with caution.

When you are ready to proceed, click “Move Asset.”

Which Data Will Move with My Asset?

It’s important to understand which data will be impacted by moving an asset to a new location. When you move an asset to a new location, the following data moves with it:

  1. All open, in progress, and completed tasks associated with this asset. This can have a significant impact on metrics and reporting, as it will no longer be associated with the old location.

  2. All PM, WO, and WR templates associated with this asset.

  3. All asset settings and asset history.

    • Asset settings include things like default WR assignment, default WO template, hours of operation, tool settings, etc.

    • Asset history, including all information in the asset log, will be moved to the new location. This means all entries in the asset log will be associated with the new location. The log will include an entry of when you moved the asset to the new location.

  4. All child assets belonging to this asset and the same data listed above. This means the tasks, task templates, settings, and asset history of the selected asset’s child assets will also move to the new location.

  5. If an asset or part field from the old location does not exist, the field will generate at the new location.

(Note: if a tool is associated with a task belonging to the asset but is not a child asset of the selected asset, it won’t be moved to the new location.)

Part Copies at the New Location

When a part is created at a new location, it will automatically generate in that location’s part inventory. If a part field from the old location does not exist, the field will generate at the new location.

The part quantity will default to “0” until otherwise updated.

Within the asset card, the new copy of the part will show in the “Associated Parts” section of the Parts tab as an automatically associated part at the new location after the part is used in a task.

The associated parts from the old location will still show as their own line items.

Since the quantity will be set to 0, parts with minimum thresholds enabled will be indicated with the red caution icon. Threshold tasks will not trigger until a part is used in a task.

Threshold settings will copy over with the part. The user assigned to the threshold tasks at the old location will also transfer over. They will default to the Manager if the user is not assigned a role at the new location.

The part’s log will not move to the new location.

Associated vendors will still be associated with the part, but the vendors will stay at the old location.

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