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Linking Meter Readings to Assets

How to Set Up, View, and Trigger PMs for Meter Readings on Your Assets

Ty Houy avatar
Written by Ty Houy
Updated over a week ago


Some assets have meters that provide useful information about an asset. A few examples would be an odometer, hours run, cycle counters, or oil levels. Limble can automate the creation and assignment of a task based on the meter reading.

This article will walk you through how to set up, view, and trigger PMs for meter readings on your assets.

Table of Contents

Create a Meter Reading for an Asset

First, create a meter field in the info section of the asset card.

Select the "Add Field" button.

In this example, we will create an "Hours Run" field. In the new window, make sure "Create New Field" is selected.

Name the field "Hours Run," and select the number field type. Then, click "Create."

You can now update the "Hours Run" by manually entering a value.

Link a PM Instruction to a Meter Reading

The first step is to open/create a PM. This can be done from the asset card as seen below.

However, in this example, we will be creating this PM from the Manage PMs page. This is because we will be updating meters from multiple assets in a single PM. 

After selecting the New PM template button, give the PM a name and click "Create."

Select the title of the new PM template and then select the "Add Instruction" button.

Select the "Number" type. It is necessary that the type be the same as the asset field. Then, hit "Select."

Give a name to the instruction. In this example, we'll call this "Record the Hours Ran on the Asset."

Now the instruction needs to be linked to the correct asset. Select the link icon.

Choose the corresponding asset and click "Select."

Select the field that you want to link, then click "Set Link."

The same process can be repeated for other assets. Now, the meter readings of multiple assets can be updated from a single PM. 

Meter Reading that Triggers a PM

A meter reading can trigger a PM. In this example, we will do a filter change every 2000 hours. First, create a PM from within the asset card. Navigate to the PMs tab and click "New PM Template."

Add a name and click "Create."

Select the calendar icon.

Select the "Every X number of units" option. Enter the interval. In this example, we are using every 2000 hours. Then select the "Hours Run" field and click "Save."

Now a PM task will be created every 2000 hours. So the first task will be created at 2000 hours, the second at 4000 hours, and so forth. 

View Past Meter Readings

The info tab in the asset card will always show the current meter reading. To view past meter readings, hover next to the field until the clock icon appears.

Select the clock icon and the past meter readings will be displayed. If you want to do further analysis of the readings, you can download the past entries in a .csv file and open it with Excel or other spreadsheet programs. 

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