Notifications and emails are an important part of staying on top of your work in Limble.
This article will walk you through the most common reasons you may not be receiving emails from Limble, and how to fix it.
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Check User Settings
Notifications are configured under the Manage Users page.
(Note: only superusers and managers with permissions to view and edit users in the Manage Users screen can update these settings.)
The green checkmark next to the mail icon indicates that notifications are on. The red x indicates that notifications are off. Click on the mail icon to turn notifications on or off.
Check Other Inboxes or Settings in Your Email
Once an email is sent from Limble, there can sometimes be filters or blockers in your email that may keep you from receiving notifications.
Check your spam, notifications, or promotional folders. Depending on your spam filters, emails can mistakenly go to your spam or promotional folders. You can keep this from happening in the future by moving the notification to your main inbox.
Do you have a bulk email filter? Emails tagged as "bulk" may not get through.
Ask Your IT Administrator to Whitelist Limble
Ask for your IT group to whitelist any messages from the limblecmms.com domain to ensure notifications and important emails go through.
(Note: You won't get an email if you are trying to email yourself by assigning yourself a task.)
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