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Comments on Tasks

Add Someone to a Comment, Comment Email Reply

Charlene Morris avatar
Written by Charlene Morris
Updated over a week ago


Limble allows for comments to be added to tasks. Comments are a great way to communicate with others about a task. When a comment is left on a task, other people involved with the task will receive a push notification and/or email. If an email is received, an email reply can be made and a comment will be left on the task.

Table of Contents

How to Add a Comment

When viewing a task, select the "Add Comment" button.

View Who Will Be Notified

Select the text titled "Who will be sent notifications?" A list of everyone who will receive notifications will then be displayed on the screen.

Add Someone Else to Be Notified by the Comment

From the current screen, it is possible to add other people to be notified. Select the button titled "Add Someone."

From there you will be able to select a Limble user, or team or enter an email address.

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