Real-time dashboard data is crucial for maintenance teams, and sharing it with stakeholders is just as important.
Keep your team informed by exporting dashboard snapshots, downloading widget data, or emailing PDFs directly from the app.
This article covers how to download, print, share dashboards, and export widget data.
(Note: you can only share, download, and export dashboard data from the desktop app.)
Table of Contents
Downloading a Dashboard as a PDF
Export global and custom dashboards as PDFs. For custom dashboards, choose between print-optimized and digital layouts.
Custom Dashboard
From the Custom Dashboards page, click the "Share" button.
From the dropdown, select "Download Dashboard."
In the new window, you'll be able to choose between two layouts for your PDF: print-optimized layout or dashboard snapshot.
You can preview your PDF at any time by clicking "Preview."
Print Optimized Layout
Print Optimized Layout
The print-optimized layout arranges widgets in a single-column format for better readability when printed.
Your widgets will be ordered based on their place on your dashboard starting from the top left, moving across to the right, then the next row.
In the Print Optimized Layout Options section, you can choose to include all widgets or selected widgets in your print.
If you choose the "Selected Widgets" option, uncheck the box next to the widgets you wish to exclude.
The PDF includes the dashboard name, creator, and export timestamp.
(Note: for list widgets, the total number of rows included in your PDF is dynamic depending on the amount of visible data. Adding more columns reduces the number of visible line items. For clarity, display only essential data in list widgets.)
When you are ready to download your PDF, click "Download."
Global Dashboard
You can print a snapshot of all the widgets on your global dashboard.
From the Global Dashboard page, click “Print.” The system automatically downloads your PDF.
Sharing Custom Dashboards Externally
You can email custom dashboards to external users directly from Limble!
From the Custom Dashboards page, click the "Share" button. From the dropdown, select "Email Dashboard."
A new window will appear.
First, add the recipients. The dashboard will be sent to all recipients in a single email. Recipients are not BCCed, so all email addresses will be visible.
Click "Pick Users" to select Limble users.
Add yourself if you want a copy.
User emails appear in the textbox automatically when selected.
Enter external user emails in the textbox, separating each with a semicolon.
For example: jeff@example.com; bryan@example.com.
The system sends the dashboard as a PDF attachment.
Choose the print layout and relevant options in the layout section.
When you're ready to send, click "Send Email."
Recipients cannot reply to the sender from this email.
Reach out directly to the dashboard sender with questions.
We recommend reaching out to recipients who have never received emails from Limble. Depending on your organization's email settings, the message may go to the spam folder.
(Note: the email subject line and message cannot be customized, and it will always be sent from a Limble address.)
Exporting Widget Data
You can export data from widgets to use outside of Limble.
Click on a widget.
Click the cloud icon to export the widget data as an .xlsx file.
You can filter data and bulk print tasks from task widgets.
Bulk Printing from Task Widgets
Bulk Printing from Task Widgets
To bulk print your tasks from a task widget, click the print icon.
A new window will to customize your print.
Select task details in the top section.
Choose tasks to include in the bottom section.
Click "Select" when ready.
Wait a moment for your export to load.
When the print is ready, click "Print."
Print as desired.
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Still don’t see what you’re looking for? Check out our YouTube channel for more tips and tricks! You can also reach out to us anytime at support@limblecmms.com.