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How to Export Users

Export Your Users from the Manage Users Page

Rachel Link avatar
Written by Rachel Link
Updated over a week ago


Limble allows you to export your users with a click of a button!

This article will teach you how to export your users from the Manage Users page.

Table of Contents

How to Export Users

To export your users, go to the Manage Users page from the navigation menu.

Click the "User Export" button.

Your user list will automatically begin to download.

The User Export File

The exported .csv file will contain the following fields:

  • Username

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Active Status - "1" indicates an active user, "0" indicates a deactivated user

  • Role

  • Location

A line item is created for each role; so a single user with more than one role - even at the same location - will have a row for every role they have.

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