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Basic Work Request Settings

Basic Settings in the Work Request Portal

Rachel Link avatar
Written by Rachel Link
Updated over a week ago


Work requests allow anyone in your organization, even those without a Limble account, to request maintenance work.

There are several basic and advanced settings within the work request portal to configure the work request form based on your organization's needs.

This article will cover the basic settings for a work request portal.

Table of Contents

Configuration Options

For each field within the work request portal, you have 3 configuration options:

  • “Hide” will hide the field from the work request form

  • “Show” will show the field in the work request form, but is not required for the requester to fill out

  • "Show and require work requester to answer” will require the user to fill out a field to submit their request.

Basic Work Request Settings

Within the basic work request settings, you have several customization options.

Work Request Assignments

"Work Requests are assigned to" is where you can designate a specific user, role, or team to receive work request assignments for a location.

By default, work requests are assigned to Managers. This can be changed by clicking the blue text and selecting a different option in the new window.

The user assigned to the work request will also receive an email about the request.

Click the word “email” to customize the template for the email that the assignee will receive about the work request.

(Note: you can assign specific users or teams to work requests based on user responses to custom dropdowns in advanced settings.)

Sharing Task Comments with Requesters

Comments on a work request can be shared with the requester by enabling "Comments are also sent to the Work Requester."

When this feature is enabled, the requester will receive an email notifying them each time a comment is made on their request.

Work Request Title & Description

Ask work requesters to include a title and description using "Title of Work Request" and "Description of the Problem." While these may seem redundant, we recommend using these in combination because the description is typically where the user provides more detail about their request.

Work Requester Contact Information

Collect a requester's contact information by using any of the following fields: "Work Requester's Name," "Work Requester's Phone Number," and "Work Requester's Email."

This allows you to contact the requester if your technicians have any questions about the work request.

You must require the requester's email if you want to send them task comments, the work request confirmation email, or other notifications about their request.

Work Request Priority, Requested Completion Date, Picture and Map Location

"Priority of Work Request" allows the requester to set a priority. If shown, the requester will choose from your task priorities.

"Requested Completion Date" allows the requester to request a specific date for their ticket to be fulfilled.

"Add a Picture" allows the requester to upload a photo with their request. This is one of the most loved features of the work request portal. The requester may not have the same “maintenance speak” as your technicians, so adding a picture can give your team a better idea of the problem and what tools or parts they may need to complete the request.

"Add Map Location" allows the requester to add a geolocation to their request.

(Note: this field is only available for customers who have the maps feature.)

Work Request Confirmation Email

Enabling "Send Work Request Confirmation Email" will send an automatic confirmation email to the requester when the work request is submitted.

The email template can also be edited by clicking the blue “Email” text.

In the new window, edit the template as desired.

Associating an Asset

Showing "Where or what is having the problem?" allows the requester to pick an asset from your asset library to associate with the work request.

Use the "Hint" field is where you can ask a specific question to the requester to help them make a selection.

By default, showing the "Where or what is having the problem?" field will show the user your entire asset library for that location. You can limit the assets based on specific fields by choosing "Yes" for "Filtered to a group of Assets?"

Click the "+" to create a new filter.

By default, Limble will assume you want to include a specific set of assets. To exclude assets, click on the blue "Include" text and choose "Exclude" from the dropdown.

Next, choose the asset field you'll filter by. Click the blue "Select Field" text and choose your desired field from the dropdown.

Based on your selection, you'll be asked to enter a value.

You can preview which assets will be shown to the requester by clicking "View Assets based off of your selections."

Associating a Part

Showing "Add a part to Work Request" allows the requester to pick a part from your parts inventory to associate with the work request.

Use the "Hint" field is where you can ask a specific question to the requester to help them make a selection.

By default, showing the "Add a part to Work Request" field will show the user your entire parts inventory for that location. You can limit the parts based on specific fields by choosing "Yes" for "Filtered to a Group of Parts."

Click the "+" to create a new filter.

By default, Limble will assume you want to include a specific set of parts. To exclude parts, click on the blue "Include" text and choose "Exclude" from the dropdown.

Next, choose the part field you'll filter by. Click the blue "Select Field" text and choose your desired field from the dropdown.

Based on your selection, you'll be asked to enter a value.

You can preview which parts will be shown to the requester by clicking "View Parts Based Off Of Your Selection."

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