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Advanced Work Request Settings

Advanced Settings in the Work Request Portal

Rachel Link avatar
Written by Rachel Link
Updated over 4 months ago


Limble offers several basic and advanced configuration settings to customize your work request portals.

This article covers the advanced work request settings within the Setup Work Requests page and Settings page.

Table of Contents

Configuration Options

For each field within the work request portal, you have 3 configuration options:

  • “Hide” will hide the field from the work request form

  • “Show” will show the field in the work request form, but is not required for the requester to fill out

  • "Show and require work requester to answer” will require the user to fill out a field to submit their request.

Advanced Settings: Setup Work Request Page

Within the advanced work request settings, you have several customization options.

Title, Custom WR Template, and Custom Tags

"Title" is the text that appears at the top of the work request portal. By default, this is "Submit a Work Request," but can be customized.

"Use Custom WR Template" allows you create a customized work request template that will generate when a work request is submitted. This allows you to put more structure around work requests.

Click on the blue text to customize your WR template.

In the new window, you can bring in information from your work request fields by using {{placeholders}}. The list of available placeholders can be found at the top of the window.

By default, the template includes the work request title, {{name-of-problem}}; the requester's contact information, {{name}}, {{email}}, and {{phone}}; the description of the work request, {{description-of-problem}}; and any picture the requester may include, {{picture}}.

You can make changes to your WR template just as you would with any other task in Limble. Here, you can add additional instructions, associate tools and parts, add custom tags, and configure task settings such as default task priority, estimated time, and task status configuration.

"Tag this request (With a Custom Tag)" allows the requester to tag their request with a custom tag. If this is included in the work request form, the user will choose one of your custom tags from a dropdown menu.

You can change the "Hint" field to change the message to prompt the user to select a tag.

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be used to gather additional information specific to your organization's needs. You can include up to 3 custom fields in a work request form.

If a custom field is shown, use the "Name" field to tell the user how to fill out the field.

A custom field acts as a text box, so users can enter letters, numbers, or special characters in their response.

Custom Dropdowns

Similar to custom fields, custom dropdowns can be used to gather information specific to your organization's needs. Custom dropdowns include several configuration options to make changes to the work request based on the requester's response.

You can include up to 3 custom dropdowns in a work request form.

Dropdowns allow you to limit the data set that the user can choose from. If the custom dropdown is shown, use the "Name" field to tell the user how to select an option.

Next, add options to your dropdown by selecting "Add Option."

Name your option. Repeat this process to add more dropdown options.

You can configure additional settings and automations based on the requester's response.

If you include more than one dropdown in your form, the last dropdown where you’ve chosen an assignment or priority will determine the final assignment and priority. Tags will not be overwritten, so any option that includes a tag will add that tag to the request.

Click the cog icon to expand the option settings.

"Automatically Assign the WR to:" can be used to assign the work request to a specific user or team if this option is selected. Click on the blue text to make changes.

Select your desired user or team in the new window and then click "Select" to confirm your choice.

"Add Custom Tags" allows you to tag the work request with custom tags. Click on the blue text and select your desired tags from the dropdown.

"Change WR's priority to:" allows you to select a specific task priority based on the user's response. Click on the blue text and select your desired priority from the dropdown.

"Use Custom WR Template" allows you to create a custom work request template based on the requester's response. Click on the blue text to customize your WR template.

"Due [X] after it is submitted" allows you to set a specific due date based on the requester's response.

By default, the timeframe is days. You can change the timeframe to hours by clicking the blue text.

Then, enter the desired number in the field.

Finally, you can use the "Hint" field to help the requester make a choice. Information included in this field will appear in a clickable question mark icon.

Using Email to Generate Work Requests and Send Email Notifications

You can opt to generate work requests via email by using "Generate Work Requests from an Email." Click "Add Email."

To work properly, the assigned email must end with, but the "name" can be anything you want. Name the email in the text field.

You can choose to assign a specific user or team when a work request is generated from this email by clicking the blue text under "Automatically Assign the WR to:" and assigning your desired user(s) in the new window.

You can create a custom WR template based on work requests that generate from this email by clicking the blue text under "Use Custom WR Template:" and editing your template in the new window.

You can add more emails by repeating this process.

You can send email notifications to users in and out of Limble when work requests are submitted. Under "Email a Notification when Work is Requested," enter the email(s) of the individuals you want to notify.

To add more than one email, use a semicolon (;) followed by a space to break up the names. For example:;;

(Note: when you send the notification to multiple recipients, all recipients will be able to see the full recipient list.)

You can make changes to the email by clicking the blue text and editing the template in the new window.

Logo and Language

Add your company logo to the work request portal by clicking the photo button and selecting your icon from your documents.

You can set a default language for the work request portal by choosing one of our supported languages from the dropdown under "Language of Work Request Portal."

Changing the language will only apply to text embedded in Limble - this includes header text, tooltips, and other static elements.

(Note: any text entered manually, by you or the work requester, will not be translated. We recommend using a third party translation software or browser extensions to support translating text that was manually entered into the system.)


Surveys are a great tool to gauge how satisfied requesters are with the work being done by your maintenance team. You can include a link to your favorite survey software that will be included once a work request is complete.

In the "Survey Link Title" field, give the survey a name. In the "Survey Link" field, add the link to your survey.

Advanced Settings: Settings Page

Work request settings on the Settings page can only be configured by Super Users.

These are global settings that will apply to all work request portals, including your global portal and location-based portals.

I'm Not a Robot

"I'm Not a Robot" requires the requester to verify that they are a person. We recommend keeping this enabled.

Work Request Default Due Date

Set a default due date for work requests by entering a value under "Work Requests default Due Date is..."

By default, the timeframe is days. You can change the timeframe to hours by clicking the blue text.

Work Requester Settings

When a requester wants to check their work requests, they will only be able to see their own work requests by default.

You can change this under "When Check Work Requests, Requesters can view..." by selecting "All Work Requests" from the dropdown.

When completing a work request, your technicians can provide completion notes to the requester. By default, completion notes are optional, but can be required if desired. Under "When completing a Work Request, Notes to the Requestor are..." select "Required" from the dropdown.

Similar Work Requests Phrase Detection

Limble uses natural language processing and machine learning to warn work requesters that another person may have already submitted a work request for the same problem.

You can adjust the sensitivity of this feature by up to 5 phrases. Under "When submitting a Work Request, show similar open Work Requests if they match..." select the desired phrase match count from the dropdown.

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