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Advanced Task Settings

Configure Advanced Settings for PMs, WOs, and WRs

Updated over a year ago


Limble offers lots of customization when it comes to tasks. There are several advanced settings that can be configured within a task, and global settings that can apply to all tasks across your entire Limble account.

This article will cover advanced settings within a task, and general task settings on the Settings page.

(Note: Only Super Users can make changes on the Settings page.)

Table of Contents

Advanced Task Settings Within a Task

To access advanced settings within a task, click on the "Settings" button or gear icon.

The Settings section will appear.

Task Creation Date

If you're creating a recurring maintenance task, such as a PM or planned work order, you may want to generate a task prior to the due date so technicians can get ahead of their work.

By default, tasks are created the day of their due date. To change this, click on the blue text in "This task will be created [the day of] the tasks due date."

From the dropdown, select an option, or use the text field to create a custom option.

Overdue (Orange) Task Status

Orange task status is the number of days after a task’s due date that the task will be considered overdue.

By default, the value is set to "1 day after." This means one day after the due date, the task will turn orange.

To change this, click on the blue text in "This Task will become overdue (orange) [1 day after] the Task's due date."

From the dropdown, select an option, or use the text field to create a custom option.

Critical (Red) Task Status

Red task status is the number of days after a task’s due date that the task will be considered critically overdue.

The default setting is "2 days after." This means two days after the due date, the task will turn red.

To change this, click on the blue text in "This Task will become critical (red) [2 days after] the Task's due date."

From the dropdown, select an option, or use the text field to create a custom option.

Estimated Time

Estimated time lets the user know how long a task may take to complete. This is commonly used a work management tool.

If a task includes an estimated time, that time will be added to the user's "total time" on the Manage Work page. This way, you can see how much time a user is already dedicated to tasks, and prioritize or reassign tasks as needed.

To change this, click on the blue text next to "Estimated Time."

In the new window, configure the estimated time. Then, click "Change" to confirm your choice.

Default Priority

Task priority levels are used to manage work based on the urgency of your tasks. By default, Limble assumes all new tasks are low priority.

To change this, click on the text next to "Default Priority." In the dropdown, select your desired task priority.

(Note: changing the default priority level within task settings will change the default priority for that task only. You can make changes to your priority level options and set the default priority level for all tasks on the Settings page.)

Configure Task Settings on the Settings Page

Super Users can make changes to general task settings for all tasks across all locations on the Settings page.

In the Configuration tab, scroll down to "General Task Settings."

Log Time Reminder & Description

Log Time Reminder

You can send users a reminder to log time if a task is open for a certain amount of time.

This is a good way to ensure users are accurately logging their time, especially if have disabled their ability to manually log their own time.

To send a reminder, expand the dropdown under "Remind to Log Time if Task Viewed longer than..."

From the list of options, select your desired timeframe. You have the ability to choose from 1-120 minutes.

Requiring a Description for Logging Time

When a user logs their time, they can include a description of the work they did. By default this is optional, but you can require users to include the description.

To require completion notes, expand the dropdown under "When logging time on a Task, the Description is..." and select "Required" from the list of options.

If a description is required and the user does not fill out the textbox, they will receive an error message and will be unable to complete the task until a description is added.

Task Completion Notes & Task Reward Message

Task Completion Notes

At the bottom of every task, a user can include completion notes. By default this is optional, but you can require users to include completion notes.

To require completion notes, expand the dropdown under "When completing a Task, Completion Notes are..." and select "Required" from the list of options.

If completion notes are required and the user does not fill out the textbox, they will receive an error message and will be unable to complete the task until completion notes are filled out.

Task Reward Messages

Task reward messages are fun gifs that appear when a task is completed to encourage and thank users for their hard work. By default these are enabled, but they can be disabled.

To turn off these messages, expand the dropdown under "When Completing a Task show a Reward Message" and select "Disabled" from the list of options.

(Note: users can disable task reward messages for themselves in their user profile or by clicking "Turn Off These Messages" when a task reward message generates.)

Parts Options

Part Prices on Printed Completed Tasks

When printing completed tasks, you have the option to include the cost of the parts used in the task. By default these are hidden, but can be shown.

To include part prices when a completed task is printed, expand the dropdown under "Show Part prices when printing completed Tasks" and select "Enabled" from the list of options.

If enabled, it will show up on your printed task like this:

Prevent Task Completion for Insufficient Parts

You can keep users from completing tasks if you don't have the parts needed to finish the work. By default, this is disabled.

To enable this feature, expand the dropdown under "Prevent task completion if there are insufficient parts" and select "Enabled" from the list of options.

If enabled and the user attempts to complete the task, the user will receive an error message and will be unable to complete the task until the part quantity has been replenished.

Task Comment Options

Commenter Notifications

By default, if a user adds a comment to a task or is tagged in a task comment, they will be added to the notification chain for that task. We recommend keeping this enabled so all users are up-to-date on the latest activity, but this can be disabled.

To disable this feature, expand the dropdown under "Add commenters and mentioned users to notification chain" and select "Disabled" from the list of options.

Comment Visibility for External Users

When printing tasks or sharing tasks with external users, such as vendors and work requesters, it can be helpful to keep task comments visible to inform the external user about task activity.

However, you may want to keep some task comments between your internal team of Limble users.

You can toggle the default setting for task comments to be visible or hidden for external users in your settings.

Under "Hide comments from external users," expand the dropdown and select your desired option.

Whatever you choose will be the default option, but the internal user can change comment visibility when they add a comment.

In the "Add Comment" window, the eye icon will match the default setting you chose.

If comments are visible to external users, the eye icon will be open.

If comments are hidden to external users, the eye icon will have a slash.

The internal Limble user is able to toggle the comment to be visible or hidden by clicking on the eye icon. This allows the user to pick and choose which comments to allow external users to see.

In the comment log, you can see the current visibility of the comment by hovering over it, and make changes to its visibility by clicking on the eye icon.

Global Task Priority Levels

On the Settings page, Super Users can make changes to priority level options and set the default priority level for all new tasks.

Under "Priorities," click "Customize."

In the new window you can make changes to your task priority levels, which we cover in depth in this article.

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