In Limble, Super Users have access to your entire Limble account - including all locations - and can make changes on behalf of other users.
Unlike permissions for the Manager, Technician, View Only, or custom roles, Super User permissions cannot be customized.
Some permissions in the permissions library are given only to Super Users by default but can be enabled for other roles, such as subscription-related permissions. However, permissions cannot be taken away from a Super User.
This article covers Super User permissions.
(Note: this article includes features that are only available on certain plans. To upgrade your account or learn more, reach out to our support team.)
Table of Contents
Super Users have the ability to make custom task priorities, statuses, and custom tags; delete task comments, and configure the global work request portal.
Task Priorities and Statuses
Task Priorities and Statuses
Only Super Users can create and delete custom task priorities, and set default task priorities. This can be done under Settings > General Task Settings > Priorities.
Make changes to your task priorities in the new window.
Only Super Users can create and delete custom task statuses. This can be done within a task by clicking the "In Progress" button and selecting "Edit Statuses" from the dropdown.
Make changes to your task statuses in the new window.
Custom Tags
Custom Tags
Only Super Users can create, edit, and delete custom tags. This can be done within any task by clicking "Add Tags." Choose "Create Tag" from the dropdown and make your tag in the new window.
Other users can add or remove custom tags from tasks with permission #173, 'Tag a Task with a Custom Tag,' but unless they are a Super User, they will not be able to create new tags.
Task Comments
Task Comments
By default, Super Users are the only Limble users who can delete comments from tasks.
You can allow other users to do this by enabling permission #174 'Remove Task Comments;' but you cannot take this permission away from a Super User.
Assets, Parts, & Vendors
Super Users have the ability to lock custom asset, part, and vendor fields; delete part categories; and enable or disable the Unit of Measure feature.
Deleting Part Categories
Deleting Part Categories
Only Super Users can delete part categories.
Super Users will see the trashcan icon next to a part category, while other users will not have this option.
(Note: part categories can be added by any user who has permission #76 'Change Part Category' enabled, but deleting categories can only be done by Super Users.)
Locking Fields
Locking Fields
Super Users can lock custom asset, part, and vendor fields, which protects values from being erroneously or accidentally changed. This feature is beneficial for fields that may not need to be updated regularly.
Only Super Users can change a field's value once a field is locked. This includes changing values through bulk import and update.
For assets, locked fields cannot be linked to task instructions or workflow automations. If the field is associated with any workflow automations, the automations will be disabled.
To lock a field, navigate to Locations > Location > Manage Assets, Parts, or Vendors.
How to Lock a Field
How to Lock a Field
Click on the edit visible columns tool. Scroll down to your desired field and click the pencil icon.
In the new window, check the box next to "Lock field" to lock the field.
A pop-up will appear to confirm your choice. If the field is currently associated with any open tasks or task templates, you will receive a warning message instructing you to unlink the field from those tasks before you can proceed.
Click "Lock" to confirm your selection.
Viewing/Editing Locked Fields
Viewing/Editing Locked Fields
When a field is locked, it will be indicated with a lock icon. A Super User will still be able to edit the field value.
Non-Super Users will see that the field is greyed out and cannot be edited.
(Note: unlike the show/hide function, the lock field feature is configured for all assets, parts, and vendors with that field. You cannot pick and choose a field value to be locked for individual items.)
Unit of Measure
Unit of Measure
Only Super Users can enable or disable Unit of Measure from the Settings page.
The Super User also manages, creates, and edits units.
User Management
Only Super Users can create a password on behalf of another user. This can be done on the Manage Users page by clicking the lock icon and entering a new password in the new window.
Only Super Users can delete a user. This can only be done within the first 3 days of creating a user, so we typically recommend deactivating users instead.
Location Management
Only Super Users can access and configure settings on the Manage Locations page, which is where you can manage your locations and regions.
Functions on the Manage Locations page include:
Location Info & Settings
Location Info & Settings
Basic Settings: location photo, address, phone number, time zone, and map location
Advanced Settings: hours of operation, "work took too long" notifications, task comment notification template, task reassignment template, task request approval template
Extra Email Notifications
Default Email Template
Default Email Template
Super Users can edit the default email template button that will show up in a work order or PM. This is commonly used for "Machine Down" emails.
Managing Regions
Managing Regions
Only Super Users can access the Regions tab of the Manage Locations page. Here, a Super User can create new regions and nest locations within regions.
Account Settings & Configuration
The Settings page is where global settings live for your entire Limble account, which impacts all locations if you have more than one. Only Super Users have access to this page and can make changes.
There are 3 tabs on the Settings page: Configuration, Roles, and Manage SSO.
Settings in the Configuration tab include:
Account Settings: global default language, clock and date format, fiscal year, start of the work week, seasons, holidays, and currency.
Security Settings: logging out users in specific timeframes, setting minimum required password lengths, password expiration
User Interface Settings: asset hierarchy preferences, customizing logo
General Task Settings: time log reminders, task completion preferences, notification preferences, task reward message settings, hiding comments from external users, task priorities
Work Order Settings: default WO view preferences, due date and planned vs unplanned preferences
Work Request Settings: "I'm not a robot" verification settings, work request due date, requester view settings, show similar work request preferences
Part Settings: FIFO/LIFO consumption preferences, requiring a reason for manually lowering part quantities, enabling/disabling Unit of Measure
Labor Categories: creating and customizing labor categories
API Settings: API authentication, webhook endpoints for POs and PO items, assets and asset fields, and tasks
ArcGIS Settings: If you use ArcGIS with your Limble account, only Super Users can configure the settings.
Within the Roles tab, Super Users can configure permissions for default roles and create custom roles.
(Note: changes to the View Only role can only be made with the help of a Limble Customer Success Manager.)
By default, only Super Users can access your Limble subscription page and information. This can be found in your user profile by clicking "Account and Billing" from the option list.
Other users can have access to this page by enabling subscription permissions, but this cannot be disabled for Super Users.
If you use Fuse to integrate other software into Limble, only Super Users have access to Fuse.
Super Users can access their integrations by clicking the Fuse icon on their navigation menu. Other users will not have this icon available on their navigation menu.
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